At NoMaFo learning is through many modalities: interaction, candid self expression, time spent alone in nature, learning through moving the body and a wide range of activities.
Classes are based on a dialogue and mutual learning between teachers and students. The main focus is to discover and strengthen the unique skills of each student in a challenging yet supportive social atmosphere.
- Real Life Japanese (and English) brings language learning into every day life. We will cover all language skills (i.e. grammar, speaking, reading, writing, listening, pronunciation, and vocabulary). We will however, focus on speaking and developing skills to talk about oneself; one’s culture and background, describing feelings, expressing needs and opinions. Other topics will be determined by the students’ own interests. In addition to grammar drills, listening to CDs, watching video clips, reading articles, playing games etc., we will use the student’s own experiences as a basis for the speaking activities. The main goal is to have fun while gaining the self-confidence to express oneself in Japanese (and English).
Being able to communicate with people of many backgrounds leads to greater confidence and motivation to develop on the world stage.
- Energy Training is based on the work of George Leonard and Michael Murphy, leaders in the human potential movement. Integral Transformative Practice uses the body, and mind, honoring the heart and soul. Based on Aikido, these practices provide valuable long term lessons for life to be mastered and internalized. Over time, practice builds a strong framework for exceptional abilities to develop and blossom.
And as a support to health and well being, we also incorporate Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine, an effective, proven program to allow the body to heal itself.
- Organic Farm working — we are involved with the planting, tending and supporting of local farms. Having hands-on experience gives a sense of continuity from the seed to the table. it gives us a healing opportunity and a sense of thankfulness to be directly in touch with the soil.
- Community building — based on deep listening, self-expression and group support, it facilitates new levels of freedom within the individual and connectedness with the group. Growthful and satisfying, this is also the basis of effective teamwork.
Livestock Furniture Making
Indigo dying Japanese Art
Ceramics Music
Dance Photography
Yoga Forestry
Cooking And other seasonal courses